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Event Series Event Series: Neurology Grand Rounds

Neurology Grand Rounds-Dr. Jennifer Grau Sanchez

January 9 @ 3:30 pm 5:00 pm

FORMAT: Virtual
Research “Need To Know” Spotlight: N/A
Guest Speaker: Jennifer Grau Sanchez, Ph.D. | Visiting Scientist / Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | Johns Hopkin University
Talk Title: Advancing Stroke Recovery Through Enriched Rehabilitation: The Use of Music and Leisure Activities To Promote Neuroplasticity
Resident Case Presentation: Julie Yi, MD | PGY3 Adult Neurology Resident

Meeting ID: 986 5221 6151
Passcode: 197294

Recorded Lecture Link: https://jhjhm.zoom.us/rec/share/BL1eqanWQjIpksoXzTrLzhkzcrlDHduEo5oxuWIN4DbfLg7J4HTSAufZUcRqI_k.b-7fKYZ9wqCwP9z4?startTime=1734639249000
Passcode: 9^F6w4z#