Event Series Academy Meeting

Academy Meeting

The Academy - Welch Library East Reading Room 1900 E Monument St, Baltimore, Maryland

12:00 - 12:30 pm: Academy Meeting/Committee Updates 12:30 - 1:30 pm: Speaker

Type 2 Comprehensive

JHOC 2nd Floor, 601 N. Caroline Street, Baltimore, Maryland

Diabetes  Educator:  Kelli Grunstra

Event Series Neurology Grand Rounds

Neurology Grand Rounds-Dr. Aleksandra “Sasha” Safonova

FORMAT: Virtual Research "Need To Know" Spotlight: Arens Taga, M.D. | Neuromuscular Fellow |Johns Hopkins UniversityGuest Speaker: Aleksandra "Sasha" Safonova, M.D. | PGY4 Chief Neurology Resident | Johns Hopkins UniversityTalk Title: M & M CaseResident Case Presentation: Nathaniel Kastan, MD, PhD | PGY 2 Neurology Resident Meeting ID: 986 5221 6151Passcode: 197294

Race the Globe: Registration

Are you ready to learn more about some of the world’s most iconic trails? During the challenge, you will work together with your team to reach milestones that unlock scenic locations, from tough terrains to tranquil paths. Your daily movement propels your team along the map and helps you earn progress toward your individual incentive....

Race the Globe: Registration

Are you ready to learn more about some of the world’s most iconic trails? During the challenge, you will work together with your team to reach milestones that unlock scenic locations, from tough terrains to tranquil paths. Your daily movement propels your team along the map and helps you earn progress toward your individual incentive....