Naviance: Cancer Prevention, Navigation, and Support – Employee Support Group

Naviance is an employer-sponsored benefit program that provides comprehensive information and nurse navigator support to help all Johns Hopkins employees and managers understand and navigate the cancer journey. Naviance oncology nurse navigator Rose Wolfe hosts this monthly support group offering cancer-related information and education as well as answering your specific questions. For more information and to...

Event Series Office Hours

Office Hours

Do you have an idea for an inquiry project, need an expert consult, or just want to say hello? Stop by our office hours. We’d love to hear from you!

Event Series Ataxia

Ataxia Support Group

Ataxia support group meetings are held online via Zoom. Simply sign in during the designated time. Zoom: The support group is hosted by the Johns Hopkins Ataxia Center.

Naviance Cancer Prevention, Navigation, and Support – Caregiver Support Group

Naviance is an employer-sponsored benefit program that provides comprehensive information and nurse navigator support to help all Johns Hopkins employees and managers understand and navigate the cancer journey. Naviance oncology nurse navigator Rose Wolfe hosts this monthly support group offering cancer-related information and education as well as answering your specific questions. For more information and...

Event Series Academy Meeting

Academy Meeting

The Academy - Welch Library East Reading Room 1900 E Monument St, Baltimore, Maryland

12:00 - 12:30 pm: Academy Meeting/Committee Updates 12:30 - 1:30 pm: Speaker Dr. Peter Byeff on the the Lindbergh kidnapping case

Naviance: Cancer Prevention, Navigation, and Support – Employee Support Group

Naviance is an employer-sponsored benefit program that provides comprehensive information and nurse navigator support to help all Johns Hopkins employees and managers understand and navigate the cancer journey. Naviance oncology nurse navigator Rose Wolfe hosts this monthly support group offering cancer-related information and education as well as answering your specific questions. For more information and to...

Type 2 Comprehensive

JHOC 2nd Floor, 601 N. Caroline Street, Baltimore, Maryland

Diabetes  Educator:  Kelli Grunstra