Keep Your Pressure Down Registration
The ‘Keep Your Pressure Down’ (KYPD) program, a virtual lifestyle program, can help lower stress, increase energy, improve sleep, and lower blood pressure. Employees will participate for 9-weeks in order...
The ‘Keep Your Pressure Down’ (KYPD) program, a virtual lifestyle program, can help lower stress, increase energy, improve sleep, and lower blood pressure. Employees will participate for 9-weeks in order...
Focus on your wellness goals in the present to positively impact your future! Participate in the challenge and complete minutes each week to be entered to win weekly prizes from...
Dial in at noon to join Healthy at Hopkins for a web-based meetup to support your well-being while working. A member of the Healthy at Hopkins team will guide you...
Focus on your wellness goals in the present to positively impact your future! Participate in the challenge and complete minutes each week to be entered to win weekly prizes from...
Focus on your wellness goals in the present to positively impact your future! Participate in the challenge and complete minutes each week to be entered to win weekly prizes from...
Working on a writing project? Join our WAG to keep yourself on track - it's 90 minutes dedicated to writing. Check in with other writers at the end.
Dial in at noon to join Healthy at Hopkins for a web-based meetup to support your well-being while working.
Naviance is an employer-sponsored benefit program that provides comprehensive information and nurse navigator support to help all Johns Hopkins employees and managers understand and navigate the cancer journey. Naviance oncology nurse...
The Joint NIMH Center Seminar Series is a virtual lecture presented weekly at 12 p.m. Eastern by NIMH’s Administrative Core.
There is a new saying that “60 is the new 40.” The manner in which we relate and interact with our surroundings makes a huge difference in our individual perception...